Many blogs and news websites share information about new articles and posts on various social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or Threads. Unfortunately, Mastodon is often not yet a target for these cross-postings.

Since I personally enjoy using Mastodon as a news source and aggregator for various blogs, I developed an application that automatically publishes RSS feeds in the Fediverse.

The source code and instructions for use are available on GitHub:

A running instance of the application publishes posts from several news feeds on

Feed To Mastodon

Feed To Mastodon is a .NET application that automatically posts new feed entries to Mastodon. It supports RSS, Atom and RDF feeds. The application can be compiled and run locally or used as a pre-configured Docker image.

The application can handle any number of feeds. A separate Mastodon account can be used for each feed.

To prevent the respective Mastodon account from being flooded with old feed entries, previous entries are skipped during the first synchronization of a new feed, and only new entries are published.


The configuration of the feeds to be monitored is done in a .ini file.

feed_url =
summary_separator = [...]
mastodon_server =
mastodon_access_token = AWWHkaIB_...

feed_url =
mastodon_server =
mastodon_access_token = ABC...


In addition to the URLs for the feed and the Mastodon server where the target account is registered, an access token is required.

The summary_separator parameter is optional and can be specified to shorten feed entries. The entry will be truncated at the first occurrence of the separator.

For example, if a post contains […], the entry can be shortened here:

Earlier today, we reported that […]
To the post <a rel="nofollow" ...></a>

Configuring summary_separator = […] results in the shortened entry:

Earlier today, we reported that ...

Posted entries are stored in an SQLite database to prevent duplicate posts.

Mastodon access token

An access token can be generated via the Mastodon website under Preferences -> Development -> New application. In the Name field, you can enter any text, such as Feed to Mastodon. For the Redirect URI, the default value urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob can be kept. Under Scopes, only write:statuses needs to be selected, and profile can be deselected.

Your Applications

After saving, you can click on the newly created application again and copy the access token under Your access token.

Application Feed to Mastodon


Parameter Description
feed_url URL of the feed, required
summary_separator Separator where the summary is cut off, see below, optional
mastodon_server URL of the Mastodon server, required
mastodon_access_token Access token for the Mastodon account, required

The file paths for the configuration and database files are stored as environment variables.

Environment Variable Description
FTM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME Absolute or relative path to the configuration file
FTM_DATABASE_NAME Absolute or relative path to the sqlite database

Run Feed to Mastodon

To run Feed to Mastodon via Docker, run the following command:

docker run -it --rm \
  -v "${PWD}/ftm-feed-config.ini:/app/ftm-feed-config.ini" \
  -v "${PWD}/ftm.sqlite:/app/ftm.sqlite" \
  -e "FTM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME=/app/ftm-feed-config.ini" \
  -e "FTM_DATABASE_NAME=/app/ftm.sqlite" \

A Docker Compose configuration looks like this:

    container_name: feed-to-mastodon
    image: davidullrich/feed-to-mastodon:latest
    restart: unless-stopped
      - ./data:/app/data
      - FTM_DATABASE_NAME=/app/data/ftm.sqlite
      - FTM_CONFIG_FILE_NAME=/app/data/ftm.ini
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin


For those interested, Feed to Mastodon outputs a daily statistic on the console. This shows the number of feeds posted in the last 24 hours and the last seven days.

Statistics[0] ============================================================
Statistics[0] Total Posts per feed:    2024-11-18 00:00 - 2024-11-25 00:00
Statistics[0] ============================================================
Statistics[0]   Mashable:                                              215
Statistics[0]   Caschys Blog:                                          183
Statistics[0]   Digital Trends:                                        299
Statistics[0]                                    8
Statistics[0]   TESLARATI:                                              48
Statistics[0]   WIRED:                                                 102
Statistics[0] ------------------------------------------------------------
Statistics[0] Total:                                                   855
Statistics[0] ============================================================

Live example

At, Feed to Mastodon is running with a few configured feeds, bringing the latest articles into the Fediverse.

Wired Mastodon Post